The Study Days are run in odd numbered years and the Spring 2 day Conference in even numbered years. The study days will move throughout the central belt and are tailored to the needs of the forum based on the evaluations at the end of each study day.
If you would like to host, present or have an idea for a study day please contact the Study Day Coordinator via the contact link on the Core Group page.
We are always in need of venues for the study days so please let us know if you think you can help, you will have the support of the core group to help the day run smoothly.
The study days can consist of external speakers presenting on their area of expertise or members of the forum discussing developments or challenges they have decided to bring to the group. There are workshops, normally based on evaluation requests, at one of the meetings each year, providing a suitable venue can be found. If you know of a speaker relevant to the group please contact the study day coordinator.
May 2024
Day 1 Plenaries
Scottish Manual Handling Review Group Update, Cameron Raeburn
Moving and Assisting, Jo Smith
Sense Scotland’s approach to Train the Trainer, Rachael Ferguson
Leveraging best practice for non-patient assessors across NHS Scotland, Kevin Tesh
A unique way of embedding Proportionate Care whilst supporting competency, Deborah Harrison
Considerations when Moving & Handling users with Sensory Difficulties, Jane Vorting
Ambulance Service Manual Handling practical workshop, Scott Ironside & David Payne
Children & Young Adults with Complex Needs – What to Consider, Bogumilea Finlayson and Gregory McHugh,
Day 2 Plenaries
Collaborative Leadership: It ain’t what you do, its the way that you do it, Jason Nicol
Health & Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019, David Payne
Family Carers Moving & Handling Support, Cheryl Murray
Challenges in Moving & Handling People with Dementia, Carol Wisely & Karen Macfarlane
Competency Assessment Reflections, James McSporran
Moving & Handling People living with Parkinson’s, Iain Bolton & Kristina Wintringham
Are you Lying comfortably, Louise Rogerson
Complex Plus Size Relocations, Gary Wilson
Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool, Simon Smith
Importance of Manual Handling in Domestic Services, Mark Finlay & Andrew King
Moving & Assisting with Complex Communication, Sam Taylor & Rachael Ferguson
Moving with Dignity’ A Single-Handed Care Approach, Tanya Aitchison & Sarah Todd
At the 2023 study day, delegates had the opportunity to attend benchmarking workshops for Module C & Module E from the Scottish Manual Handling Passport Scheme. Those who attended shared their training approaches and a summary of each of those sessions is found in the below links.
Benchmarking exercise - Module C
Benchmarking exercise - Module E
Study Day 2023 - Dunblane Hydro
Images by Mairi.
May 2023
The side effects of Kindness, Dr David Hamilton PhD, Author
Principles of Movement, Keith McMurray, Lisclare
Innovation in Healthcare Equipment, Gillian Taylor
Womens Health Considerations for Manual Handling, Angela Parkinson, Adore Your Core Physiotherapy
What are we learning with HSE? Tony Miller, NHS Orkney
SMHP review group update, Cameron Raeburn
Introduction to Human Factors & Ergonomics (HFE), Kevin Tesh, NHS Lothian
Hoist Risk Assessment for Single Handed Care Considerations, Jim Forrest & Michell Jackson, Fife Council
Benchmarking SMHPS Module C (chairs), Sarah Crawshaw, NHS Highland & Kerry Adam, NHS Highland & Aberdeenshire Council
Utilising QI Methodology to redesign a ‘One size fits all’ approach to sling assessment & selection, Susan Timotheou & Caroline Boyle, NHS Lothian
Benchmarking SMHPS Module E (hoisting), Sue Hain & Jacqui Treays, Independent Consultant & Hillcrest Futures
Study Day Review - NBE Column
MAY 2022
Wednesday 25th - Auditorium & workshops
Auditorium (AM)
The Art of being brilliant, Dr Andy Cope, The Art of Brilliance
Moving safely & with dignity (assessing the persons needs & not a M&H Policy) Kerry Adam, Aberdeenshire Council & Susan Simpson, NHS Grampian
Workshops Day 1
Object handling in Health & Social Care, Gary Knipe, Ergoway
Dynamic risk assessment for patient handling: Enabling the variable client, Mark Flattery
Moving & Handling in an emergency, Gary Wilson, 3ET
Your Posture Matters, Carolynne Hunter & Jenny Whinnet, PAMIS
‘It takes 2 baby’ not in this world it doesn’t, James McLauchlan, Alison Gillespie & Tracey Morrison, Aberdeenshire Council
Auditorium - (PM)
How our business responded & changed since Covid 19, Sharon Zens, Edge Services
Changing Places Toilets, Fiona Souter, PAMIS
Handling of People 7th Edition (HOP 7) What is its value? How is it different? Pam Simpson, Work Fit Moving & Handling Solutions Ltd
Thursday May 26th - Auditorium (AM)
Introduction to Behaviour Styles & Preferences. Additionally What is available to SMHF delegates from British Healthcare Trades Association, David Beavis, Director of MediSmart Technologies
It’s time for change, Sophie Coles CIPFA & Cameron Raeburn NHS Forth Valley
Scottish Government updated Guidance on the provision of Equipment & Adaptations, Alison Docherty, Glasgow City Council & Isla Bissett, Scottish Government
SMHP Review Group update, Sarah Crawshaw, NHS Highland & Jacqui Treays, Hillcrest Homes
‘Has no one ordered a bed yet’? Developing a pathway for ordering bariatric equipment, Jan Gordon, NHS Forth Valley
Workshops (PM)
Proning, Sharon Rinsland & James Smith
Behaviour; not one solution fits all, Melanie Furness, Norfolk county council - on line
Risk Assessment - it’s all about balance, Julia Love, LPS Training & Consultancy Ltd
Practical Solutions to improve in-bed care & reduce handling for plus size patients, Jaclyn Murphy & Lee Quickmire, GBUK Banana
Competency & Assessment Tools in Single-Handed Care: A 4 year longitudinal study, Deborah Harrison, A1 Risk Solutions